posted on Friday, July 23, 2004 by
I had a nice little chat today with the guy that does Clublife, a blog about being a bouncer in New York. The blog is really good and the guy was very friendly. When I told him I was from Caliblog, he recognized me right away. It's nice to know there are people out there that read your stuff. This guy needs to be a Blog of Note. If you're on the committee, he has my vote.
We were swapping stories about the e-mails we've gotten from girls about our blogs. Seems we've both gotten a few, and are both encouraged to keep blogging. There are definitely some attractive girls out there. I haven't always responded - but after talking to a couple, I think I probably should have. Kevin probably gets pics from would-be dancers all the time.
I'd love to expand that subject into a longer post, but I've got some stuff to do today. Mostly studying up my California Driver's Handbook. I think my ten days to apply for a license are already up.
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