Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

you blew it up, damn you

posted on Friday, May 07, 2004 by Mike Ambs

I don't have to work tomorrow. Thank the Lord above. Although I do have to fix the video track for Bye Bye Birdie... the widescreen bars started blinking red about 30 min's into it. Grrr. And not to mention I need to put a new video for the "weekly movie" - which is a few days over due. Holly crap... I'm typing this post on Chuck's laptop, and this thing gets hot; my palms are starting to sweet. That's attractive.

We finally have food to eat! After we [Amanda and I] paid rent we had about four dollars to our name. Before Amanda picked me up from work she went crazy at the grocery store and had to write a bad check to cover it. So - we'll be making a trip to the bank early tomorrow. Not that I mind; I can stuff myself silly with food now. I just realized how boring this all is. Has my life become this uneventful? Never mind, don't answer that.

I've been surfing the internet for the past ten minutes and of course stumbled across something very, very upsetting. Apparently the Bushies knew in Jan. about the G.I.'s forcing prisoners to suck dick at gunpoint, and like everything else; they sat on it until it fell into the hands of '60 minutes'. I'm speechless. We are all screwed. There can't be a country left in this world that doesn't hate us for being the... well... here; Mark Maynard put it best:

"We're shortsighted, arrogant assholes and we're going to pay a price for it".

I need to make sure I'm registered to vote in time... because this is getting so fucked. I apologize for the language, but Bush just seems to keep topping himself. At first when I heard about the prison abuse [which is a pretty nice way of putting things], I thought, "wow... I actually feel bad for Bush having to deal with this on account of a handfull of dumbasses in uniform". But knowing now that Bush knew five months ago... Unbelievable.

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