I hate to say this, because I love Ann Arbor; I have so many fond memories of those streets I could go on for days, but pasadena [at least at first glance] may very well pass-up Ann Arbor in the coolness factor. It's sad but true. Last night Amanda and I, taking the advise of Chuck and Michelle, went to see "Touching the Void" at the Academy 6 [in pasadena of course]. The theater reminded me so much of the State in A2 [Ann Arbor]; the old style structure of the building; the indie flix; the old red run down seats [although this theatre's were still much, much better than the States], I have to say I'm spoiled now having gone to the AMC in the mall, the arm rest can be pushed down to make one big couch. But okay; moving on to the rest of pasadena: it's a strange combination of New York and A2, in the sense that it's as busy as New York [at least on a friday night] and lacks the up-scale yuppies A2 unfortunately has an over abundance of, but the business there is very reminiscent of home, and not to mention; they have an apple store; that alone is reason to love it.

Above [random picture]: here's a pic of Amanda cooking in the kitchen. Pay no attention to the giant build up of cups on the counter... we'll get to those soon enough.

Above [another random picture]: Yes this is just a pic of our closet, and yes it's sideways, but I like it, its one of those little details that no one ever pays attention to. Someday I'll look back at this picture and remember clothes I'll no longer have, or how I stole those black milk crates from the Toys 'r' us parking lot.
I would like to write more; but I seriously need to go to Kinko's like two days ago; so I better wrap this up soon. I started this entry before I went to work at two but I lost track of time and had to run out the door. I was planning on riding my bike to work, but I had to borrow Chuck's car [my battery died on me], Ikea has a program where if you ride bike/ walk / carpool/ or take the metro to work you get paid for it, sure it's only about a dollar a trip but hey, I should be doing it anyways, I've always wanted to be in the good habit of biking to and from work [I guess more imporatnly I need to get in the good habit of remembering to keep an eye on the clock].
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