People always seem to like it when we post pictures... and looking at the site; I see it's been a while [not counting Amanda's last post - because that's artwork... not a picture]. So, to even things out: here's a crap load of pictures. Enjoy.

Above: Today [or I guess it would be 'yesterday by now] we went for a walk under the Santa Monica Pier.

Above: "Gotta love that traffic on the 405". But I do have to say for once we managed to make good time coming north... usually it's the other way around - which is funny because I made Chuck drive back since I didn't feel like driving in stop and go traffic... and was fine all the way home. I guess I just have bad luck.

Above: That's Billy's toe... and yes; it's broke. He nailed on Michelle's suitcase [I don't know how because her suitcase is way out of the way from any path we ever take... poor Billy] while getting ready for work the other morning. Ouch.

Above: Yes that is what it looks like; Chuck riding on the handle-bars while I pedal. And yes; we know how gay it looks... but we couldn't help it. It was funny. There's also video of it that will on here soon.

Above: Here's Amanda looking cute in the backseat on the way back from Santa Monica.

Above: No that's not a statue. That's a 6 1/2 foot tall black man painted head to toe in silver. After I snapped a picture he walked up to me and I gave him some cash and a 'caliblog.com' business card... ha ha - I'm a dork, I know. He had one of those 'whistle-fan' things in his mouth... I don't know the name for them. But he shook my hand and puffed his cheek's out really far and then made a loud strange noise, and it took me a second to realize what he was doing. You couldn't see the thing in his mouth... but yeah... anyways. That's Santa Monica for you.

Above: Chuck found this on the beach on the walk back to the car. He then started throwing them at me. He said, "How often do you get the opportunity to throw birth-control pills at someone"? I guess he has a point.

Above: "Hey look... palm trees". That's all there really is to say.

Above: These banners hang all up and down Magnolia, I just thought they were cool. I don't know why I picked a banner that was half hidden behind messes of power lines, but, you get the idea.

Above: And one more of the pier; I couldn't decide which I liked better, so here's the second one. You be the judge. The sunset looks so cool cutting through the wood stands.
Well, that's definitely a crap load of pictures. I kinda' knocked the last post Amanda and I wrote off, but that's okay, just don't forget they're down there. Seems like I was going to mention something else, but I can't remember what "that" was. Probably because it's late and I'm tired and starting to nod off while sitting here. Good night cruel world.
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