posted on Tuesday, November 14, 2006 by
[Drum roll] Ladies and gentlemen... welcome to the 1st 2006 who-knows-how-annual Vlogger Match! You are about to bear witness... Okay, cut the drum roll, I wouldn't want to build this up too much for anyone. The clip below is a prime example of what happens when 3 vloggers [Angela, Justin & myself] get together on a Monday night after eating a lot of chocolate-chocolate cake. Pure sugar-induced craziness [all caught on tape].
13 comments for vlogger-match! kinda'...
you guys are all the coolest as far as i'm concerned. and angela, consider me SUBSCRIBED!
9:54 PM, November 14, 2006And goddammit, the Rey brothers ARE ridiculously good looking! Here's the part that's even worse: they aren't dicks at all! They are actually nice guys and they have talent, too. You have to wonder how many crippled, fugly, retarded babies God had to make to have enough material to make the Rey brothers! Ha!
9:55 PM, November 14, 2006You guys are fucking bad-ass. We have to hang out more. I feel like we're missing some fun.
10:00 PM, November 14, 2006And, Angela - you're far from dull. :) I'm subscribed!
Whoa that was quick! Yeah so I guess since the only sight we didnt shout out was mine I will think of a way to do it through comment.
10:54 PM, November 14, 2006My only question is, who was that hot guy? No not the guy with the blanket wrapped around him. Yeah that oher guy!
Oh, that was Justin from ?!
We are so sexy =0)
"Bad-ass", eh? :) Aww... shucks.
12:15 AM, November 15, 2006And I think that the quote: " many crippled, fugly, retarded babies God had to make..." needs to be put on a t-shirt.
wow.. that was hot. too bad i wasn't in it. i hate it when you guys use up all the fun before i get home.
1:04 AM, November 15, 2006Interesting!?
6:42 AM, November 15, 2006LOL, Mike you're cute, did you see how the vlog ends? What a great pic of you, what a great SMILE!!
Can we play next time? Seriously, guys, why aren't we hanging out more often?
9:25 PM, November 15, 2006PS - Love the blanket.
We are so darn popular.
12:50 AM, November 18, 2006What is going on with your video's lately...they keep pausing then you start them again, then sometimes they start again but back at the's taking forever to watch a short clip.
11:11 AM, November 20, 2006Deb
Well - this clip is actually pretty long - almost 9 minutes I think :)
6:25 PM, November 20, 2006You should try the flash version if it's ever loading slow for you.
Heylo.... video was very entertaining. lol Silly silly. I vote chocolate cake everyday. hehe
1:25 PM, November 25, 2006It's not loading slow, it just won't keep running!
6:48 AM, November 29, 2006Post a Comment
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