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I Got Gypped

posted on Tuesday, November 07, 2006 by

I always give a thorough comb-over on the 'sample ballots' they mail out just before the elections. I take the time to fill out my choices so I have a nice cheat-sheet when I go to the polls.

Today, I voted around 1'ish - Amanda wasn't able to vote until just a half-an-hour ago, 7'ish, and when she did, she noticed something very deliberately confusing. Everything, short of the propositions, was swapped around. All the State candidates, all the US Senators, the US representatives, the State Assembly, the Supreme Court Justices - etc.

So, as an example, for the Judge of Superior Court, I wanted my vote to go to Bob Henry (#132) and not Deborah L. Sanchez (#133), but on the actually ballot, these two people had swapped spots but not numbers!

Amanda accidently voted for Debrah L. Sanchez before she noticed what had happened. And now, since it's been almost 8 hours since I voted, I really don't remember if I was looking at the names when I voted, or the numbers by the names. But I'm guessing I fell for it and, in the process, screwed up my votes. I know for sure I voted correctly on the State candidates, because I specifically remember looking at the names and party. But still, it pisses me off.

3 comments for I Got Gypped

and Blogger Jeans Pants was all like...

This sounds like a joke. I hope it's a joke. Like a Ha Ha remember what happened in FL joke. Damn!

  8:49 PM, November 07, 2006
and Blogger Jeans Pants was all like...

My planned worked perfectly =0)

  8:49 PM, November 07, 2006
and Blogger Mike Ambs was all like...

Damn your trickery, Colbert!

  1:57 AM, November 08, 2006

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