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Yay! I Voted!

posted on Tuesday, November 07, 2006 by

5 comments for Yay! I Voted!

and Blogger Jeans Pants was all like...

Thumbs up for the Salute to Disney. Good Job

  7:18 PM, November 07, 2006
and Blogger Mike Ambs was all like...

High on narcotics? No. High on life? Yes.

  2:01 AM, November 08, 2006
and Blogger angela was all like...

i was high. on narcotics.

  11:00 AM, November 08, 2006
and Anonymous Anonymous was all like...

Hey Cali People!
Mike, I'm glad you voted! Rock on sweet thang! I voted too, and I just want to know why they make the whole thing so damn complicated. If they want more people to vote they should set up a drive through station at McDonalds or something, you know? That shit takes too long, and I know its a wonderful right, and I should be proud, but who has time in the middle of their TUESDAY to fuckin' figure out where to go, and all? I just gotta say that girl surprized the heck out of all of us back here in the mitten state! Wow, you know i see her in my dreams and thoughts all the time so I guess my reaction to seeing her was not one of shock but more one of, ahh yes, my girlfriend! Kind of the same reaction I have to getting in a tub of hot water, it's immediately hot, but then you just know how relaxing it is, so you sink in and enjoy it! We had a great time, I wish I could've spent more time, but busy mom, blah blah ....anyways, rock on to all of you, and I think Mandy and I have this sort of unspoken pact to never say goodbye...so....I'm going to go watch the Future of Food! -jenny T

  5:55 PM, November 08, 2006
and Blogger Mike Ambs was all like...

Jenny 2! It's so great to hear from you :)

Your McDonalds' voting-booth idea is, sadly, an awesome idea to get people to the polls. I wonder if the number of people who vote during a mid-term is anywhere near the number of people McDonalds serves in one day.

Heard you were coming out west for a wedding :) Can't wait to see you! Enjoy 'Future of Food'.

  6:34 PM, November 08, 2006

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