Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

is this thing on?

posted on Saturday, August 06, 2005 by

The internet here is dragging ass. I'll be surprised if this post goes through in under four minutes. I've actually been 'waiting' to post the last few days, which is different from the usual: "meaning" to post... I wanted to write about a strange dream I had the other night, but to do so I have to tell you about a new zine I'm reading... but Amanda wants to do this first. So I'm on hold.

This just in. Amanda is busy writing a post on the laptop in the other room... Which means, it's time for my strange and disturbing dream about our cat's butt blowing inside out. Actually because it's been so long, that's it. I can't really remember anything else except that I found the cat meowing in the bathroom with it's butt popped out like a second tail. It was gross.

But I had this dream because of a story I read from the second issue of 'True Story' about his ["his" being Barry Scanlan, the author & illustrator of the zine] pet Bob, an iguana, that got spooked during a show and tell with Barry's elementary class and blew it's own ass out. Hmm... I suppose this whole story is a bit anti-climatic.

Anyway, to liven up this post I thought I'd throw together some footage from Amanda and I's trip out to "the rocks" for our three year anniversary of our first kiss... awwww. I just cut a few clips back to back and threw some music behind - it's nothing fancy but I have a list of several things I still need to get done before I go to sleep tonight. Enjoy.

[update 08/07] To answer Cerceza's question; the writing on the fence that is too faded to now read used to look like this:

I wrote that the second morning of our bike trip... the video above was actually the first time Amanda and I had been back to the rocks since our bike trip.

2 comments for is this thing on?

and Anonymous Anonymous was all like...

Ive heard of poo shooters but inside-out cat butt just put the most bizzar image in my head. GROSS!

Just think if the cat was standing there completely turned inside out. hummm.
Something for a dead teenager movie to add in as a special effect.

  10:24 AM, August 07, 2005
and Anonymous Anonymous was all like...

Cool Amanda footage. What did it say on the chain-link fence post? It was too blurry to read it.

  10:28 AM, August 07, 2005

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