posted on Tuesday, July 19, 2005 by
Not the country... the book by the team from 'the daily show'. I'm over at Amanda's Uncle Dennis's house right now, we are once again house & dog sitting for them. Unfortunately it's only for two days and not a week like before... right now the temp' in the pool outside is 88 degrees, it's like heaven on earth. Last night around 2 in the morning I took a dip while Amanda watched the end of 'In Good Company'.
So, back to the title of this post, I'm sitting outside by the pool working on getting rid of my extreme farmer's tan from our bike trip - and reading through 'America (the book)'... I'm trying to read over the parts of the book that I didn't get a chance to before - but I keep thinking about one of my favorite clips in the book by Stephen Colbert called "Of Course Your Vote Counts!", it reads:
In ever election, many people grapple with the nagging suspicion their vote doesn't count. As a citizen and someone who is always right, it is respectively my duty and my pleasure to tell them they are wrong. In fact, our democracy depends on every citizen recognizing the value of his or her vote.
And here is the value of that vote. In the most recent presidential election 105,360,260 people cast ballots. That means each person's vote counted .000000949%. I defy you to find a mathematician who will tell you that number is less than or equal to zero.
Swish that around in your mouth for a while. How does it taste? Taste like freedom?
Ahh *wiping away a single tear from eye* that's good stuff. Anyways, Amanda last night had me grab the camcorder on our way here - so I've been trying to walk around and tape some things I can later post here when I get back home. It's been far too long since we've posted a random video clip... maybe we should do a few 'video post'. That could be fun. Okay, well I'm going to take a dip in the pool now.
4 comments for america is hilarious
Ahhh, a nice cool dip in the pool. You sound so Hollywood!! It's been terribly hot and humid in Michigan. You sweat just standing still! We've been to the lake a couple of times, ended up with swimmer's fun at all.
12:50 PM, July 19, 2005I haven't had any luck downloading your video's. The right click is not working this time for me, do you have any idea why???
Call you soon, love you! mom
good times. i did the same for my uncle, includiong the swimming.
5:57 PM, July 19, 2005and i LOVE that book
How 'bout a video clip of taking a dip in the pool and swimming an underwater lap or two for those of us who are without pools and suffering from the heat....
4:10 AM, July 20, 2005Try "Amerika" - Franz Kafka
9:43 AM, July 20,
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