posted on Monday, November 15, 2004 by
Well, I told a lot of people I would give them the address of my new blog once I had it set up, so that's what this is all about. I've created it to document my travels in Europe and China and maybe pass the time when I get back as well. For now, it only has one post, so you probably aren't missing anything big if you skip it.
Keep an eye out though, because pretty soon I'll be putting up pictures of Europe and all the chaos that ensues. All I have to do is get some reliable web hosting.
I'm a terrible son - because I've barely seen my mother enough to say "hi" and I got home and she'd washed all my clothes for the trip. I just wanted to say thanks, mom. I love you. It's going to make packing tonight a lot easier.
I tried to buy a backpack at REI, but I didn't like any of them and the guy was convinced my pack would weigh 35lbs. I don't think he realized I wasn't going to bring guidebooks, a laptop computer, and extra shoes. So it looks like my bag will be made in Germany. (Not that a bag purchased here wasn't made in China.)
Pete asked for brownie mix. I'm going to try and bring him some.
Oh yeah... the link. It's called the Chuck Guide. Enjoy.
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