posted on Tuesday, October 05, 2004 by
note: the following entry was originally posted at proj:pedal.
Two nights ago Amanda and I caught a midnight showing of 'the motorcycle diaries' at the bridge. It was incredibly inspiring -- for myself especially because of the similarities between what I was watching on screen, and what I've been envisioning for so many months. What I loved most about the film was it so perfectly captured the 'one' thing that changed the young Che the most: people's suffering. The further and further from home he traveled the more indigenous people he meet along the way, who were being forced from their lives and homes.
I've been thinking about that a lot lately, trying to put my finger on what one element from my first bike trip changed me the most? And how to apply it to the documentary - how will I be able to choose those moments [afterwards during post]? Over the course of ninety-some days and thousands upon thousands of miles, filled with so many subtle experiences, which will tell the best story?
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