posted on Monday, October 04, 2004 by
note: the following entry was originally posted at proj:pedal.
I'm sitting alone in the living room... listening to 'spaces between days [pt.4]' by six parts seven - the laptop sitting on the diner table to my right, my "proj:pedal folder" on the footstool to my left. I just spent the last hour flipping through every last page of my notes, script drafts, and [the most depressing of them all] the budget outlines.
Some of you might be curious as to "what scripting can be done for a documentary revolving around a cross-country-bike-trip that isn't scheduled to begin for another eight months"? Well, honestly, not a whole hell of a lot. At least nothing too continuous, most of what is written at the moment resembles random scenes I'm still trying to piece together - scenes that probably won't find their place until post.
Sadly enough, despite all the [far more important] things I need to be catching up on, I can't stop thinking about the fact that [realistically] I'm going to be [financially] strong armed into filming with miniDV. How's that for being productive, eh? And it's not that I want to shoot on 35mm... I'm not at all interested in "film", and don't imagine I ever will be. The problem started when Amanda and I went to watch 'open water', only a few minutes into the movie, Amanda leaned over and asked, "what's wrong with the picture"? As if to imply that the projector was all funky. I whispered back, "it's digital... ya' know... miniDV, they used the kinda' camera I have". I knew what Amanda was really asking was, "is the documentary going to look like that"? For the rest of the movie I couldn't stop fantasizing about the crystal-clear-picture-perfect image quality I'd seen in documentaries like 'step into liquid'. But everyone has to start somewhere.
Speaking of which: I've got to get back to work. Goodnight world.
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