I thought I would take Cheney's advise and check out factcheck dot com... what he meant to say was factcheck dot org... but he [and his friend's] have a history of getting things half right. Burn. Anyways, so I took a look at the site and having read around some bit, I can't really understand why he would actually tell people to go there. The 'facts' don't paint a flattering picture for his administration:
It now appears certain that Bush and Cheney will end their term with payroll employment still below where it was when they took office, the first time that's happened since the Hoover administration. Read more...
A Bush ad claims Kerry's healthcare proposals would put "big government in charge" of medical decisions. In fact, Kerry's plan would leave 97% with the insurance they have now -- while up to 27 million who aren't insured would gain coverage.
Bush's claim turns out to be based on opinions from two conservative advocates whose predictions aren't supported by neutral experts. Read more...Bush ads released April 26 recycle some distortions of Kerry's voting record on military hardware. We've de-bunked these half-truths before but the Bush campaign persists. Read more...
I wonder if he's actually read the website more than once. What's even more humorous is that the article he was hoping people would [half] read has been re-posted by the website restating that it did not defended his tenure as CEO of Halliburton Co. Funny stuff.
I wanted to write more but Amanda and I went to Sequoia National Park for her birthday and I just finished driving back the four hours.... so I'm gonna rest my head on the pillow and probably fall asleep instantly. Goodnight world.
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