posted on Friday, September 10, 2004 by
As Kurt Cobain once wrote - "If you read, you'll judge." (This was, of course, written on the cover of a private journal - published after his death without his consent.)
Caliblog hasn't put food on the table, but it’s been fun. Expressing yourself is healthy; I'm just all expressed out. I’m not excited about posting anymore. Let's face it - the quality and frequency of my work has been going downhill since... well, since a while ago.
I never wanted this kind of feedback on my life. All I wanted to do was get some laughs. Actually, I was hoping someone would read it that could pull a favor for us and send some work our way - but that hasn't happened either.
I’m just tired of putting myself out there. It gets really easy for everyone to point out the things that I'm doing wrong - and frankly, I never asked anyone's opinion. I scrutinize my life enough without the help of a couple thousand other people a day.
I think, after a while, the mundane becomes mundane. I can only sensationalize my life for so long. Now I'm all tuckered out. So it was a fun ride while it lasted.
Thanks for the positive responses to those that gave them. I did appreciate your support. I hope you all keep reading what my friends have to say. I’m sure if something important happens to us, they’ll give you a heads up.
Take care of yourselves.
-Charles Manley.
0 comments for Our 358th post. Chuck's last.
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