posted on Thursday, September 09, 2004 by
Okay, in my spare time the past few days, I've been throwing together some t-shirt designs for friends at work. People who all share a love for 'hating urban outfitters'... but I don't have much to share, taking into consideration that my day off [yesterday] was spent shopping at Ikea for a new bed, dresser, bed-side drawers, a diner table, and four chairs to match... and then piecing the Swedish puzzle of wood and nails together late into the night.
Unfortunately, Cafe Press [the site that makes it all too easy to design merch] charges up the 'izzass. So, even though I wanted to make cheap-non-profit t-shirts for people to wear and share, turns out they're not so cheap [even "at-cost", as the website claims]. Anyways, it's 4 am, and I'm not looking forward to sleeping in 'till noon. I've got to get off this schedule.
I wanted to sift through the comments people left for my little-mini-contest, but halo-scan is taking a poo, so it will have to wait. One last note, I found a song today on someone's iMix by Lemon Jelly called "The Staunton Lick", if you don't have it... then stop what you're doing right now, and get it. It's my personal flavor of the week.
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