posted on Monday, August 02, 2004 by
I had a great day today! This must've been the first Sunday I've had off since I started working at Ikea.
My day started at about 12:15pm. Mike walked into the bedroom, laid on top of me, kissed me and asked "what are you doing?" I crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When I got out, Chuck handed me the phone. It was my sister, Emily. We talked for over an hour. I kissed Mike as he went out the door to work. Then I did all of the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, and took out the garbage. I wrote a few long-overdue e-mails and took a break to eat a tofu-dog out on the balcony. I never go out on the balcony anymore... it was nice. It was beautiful outside today.
With both Mike and Billy at work and Chuck asleep in his room (he finally bought a mattress last week; no more sleeping on the couch) I had the whole place to myself. Wow was it nice. I spent most of the rest of the day thoroughly cleaning and organizing our bedroom; something that really needed to be done. I'm sure to most of you that sounds really boring, but trust me, it was great. Sometimes the simplest things really do make the best days.
As I was cleaning I came across a list of blog ideas that I had written a long time ago. I had been lying in bed trying to sleep late one night and had an idea I just had to write down. Much like Chuck's crazy habit of writing very random things on small pieces of paper I have a ridiculous habit of making lists... for everything! I must have thrown away 10 lists today, all with half of the items scratched off. Grocery lists, blog idea lists, errand lists, lists of people I need to call or e-mail, to-do lists, a list of the topics I wanted to mention in my post about Mike (which I realize never got written). It's funny, there are so many things I've planned on writing blogs about. I know you're all thinking, "yeah right", but that's why I never post. I'm so anal that I won't post unless I know that I have a couple hours to write. And that rarely happens.
Anyway... I came across this list.
I'll have to explain. My whole life I've never been the type to have a lot of friends. I'm more of a one best-friend type. So one night I was lying in bed thinking of all of my best friends from high school and I really wanted to mention them. I'm sure that night I'd thought of a whole lot more to say about them, but this was all my list had:
Lisa: I know you're in there somewhere.
Bethany: M.I.A. Vanished without a trace.
Ursa: Post card with no return address.
Jaimie: This one was my fault.
Today is also the 2nd anniversary of the first time Mike and I kissed. While going through our bedroom I also found some interesting Mike stuff.
These are from the card Mike made for me last valentines day.
This is us driving to L.A.
I think this one is cute, it's his idea of what our bike trip documentary will be like.
I opened the box he gave me my first birthday gift in and the inside cover said this:
Amanda is such an overwhelmingly beautiful person - inside and out. Her desire and drive to hold true to her dreams and to grow as a person who will better live her live in a way that she will smile on when looking back is inspiring and admirable. A quality and state-of-mind that I hope rubs off on the people she encounters. A quality that I hope she never loses sight of in a world where so many are shallow and content. A quality I hope she knows I am above all and truly attracted to.
It made me cry all over again. Okay... that's all you get. It's almost 5am. Mike wants me in bed... see, now that's why I only do this once a month. It just takes too damn long. You people are greedy.
Goodnight. :)
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