posted on Saturday, August 14, 2004 by
I googled us one day and this guy's website came up. I couldn't help but smile. I never thought "celebrity" status would be like this.
"My obsession has gone far beyond wondering what it would be like to hang out with them (although, they did email me an invite to hang out once I'm in L.A., and I have been wanting to take them up on that in the form of an Ultimate Frisbee game, "My Peeps Vs. Theirs").
They have escalated to the type of voyeristic addiction that is usually reserved for television shows and trashy magazines. And really this makes sense, because that's what they've designed themselves to be (not "trashy"...I'm not saying that at all...just the t.v. show part...I'm not calling the Caliblog trashy..I don't know why I'm so worried about offending them. They are lovely people and I wish them nothing but the best, so I'm not going to apologize anymore...(I hope.)"
He did seem a bit apologetic, didn't he? You'd think he'd go back and delete it, but apparently the momentum was too great. Actually, his first entry about us was more like this.
"They've had ten thousand hits to their site since it started in January. And as I saw all this, I knew that there was only on course of action to take. They live in L.A., I'm moving to L.A. I had to see if I could MEET them. They're completely normal people, right? No different from you or me. So normal, in fact, that they have a blog. And they have jobs. And they pay rent. And I needed them to be my friends.
(It should be noted, that if any of those lovely people are reading this, I'm not giving you a hard time, I'm making a joke at my expense. It's an essay about the power of celebrity...not about anything bad about you. I absolutely think you're lovely people. Call me. ...I just did it again).
Am I now obsessed with the members of Caliblog because they display a happy, positive, almost surreal view of what life in L.A. can be when you have good friends by your side? Or is it just because if I have lunch with them someday at an In-n-Out, it might show up on their blog? And then people will be intrigued by me. And they will, in turn, read MY blog."
Well, Brian, I know we didn't hang out at the burger place, but I can still tell everyone to drop by your site. Don't let fame go to your head.
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