posted on Friday, August 13, 2004 by
OK, let's get this cleared up. I would have given the question to Sam, since I hadn't specified the name thing previously. That would be fair...if there was only one cat in Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland. Unfortunately, there are two cats named in the book, The Cheshire Cat and Dinah. If she had specified after I said that, then that would be different, but she didn't. Initially, I felt that 'Hijinks' was taking two guesses and it shouldn't count, but I was told I was being too nitpicky and that because it was immediately following his first comment it was more of a continuing statement and not two guesses. Meaning that The White Rabbit wouldn't have counted as his guess if it had been the correct answer. Finally, I heard some concern over the character's appearances. The Chesire Cat has appeared in many different movie interpretations of Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, including Disney's version, Alice In Wonderland, which almost becomes a totally different story altogether because it's a combination of the original story and Through The Looking Glass mixed how ever Disney saw fit. In literature, he has appeared in at least three different stories: Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, The Cheshire Cat's Surprise, and The Oz-Wonderland Wars. But, to be fair I'm going to leave it up to you out there. Should it go to Sam, should it go to Hijinks, or should I void that round and have a new question altogether? What do you think?
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