Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

Baby, I'm coming home

posted on Sunday, August 08, 2004 by

By this time tomorrow I'll be resting my head on Mike's shoulder on a plane headed to Michigan.

Before we go, I'd like to introduce everyone to the kitten that we rescued (since Mike finally got the video clip finished, which I decided to post rather than a picture since he's apparently not very photogenic). His name is Emilio and he was abandoned at Ikea when he was only a few weeks old.

Mike and a few of his co-workers had noticed a kitten hiding in his department for several weeks, but they were unable to catch him. The first night Mike saw the kitten, he told me about it and said that he'd tried to catch him to bring him home for me (I think Mike knew how much I'd missed having a fuzzy friend to take care of since my dog died). After several late-night chases and a few cans of tuna we finally got him.

Ikea offered to help us pay to have him checked out at the vet and they gave us some cool stuff from Ikea's pet department. The vet said that he was fine, just a little under weight and very frightened. We picked up all of the necessary stuff and brought him to his new home. He hid a lot for the first week or so, but now he's very happy.

He's extremely energetic and loves to run around and play like any other 3 month old kitten would. He's so sweet and affectionate. He loves to lay by our heads, in our laps, give kisses, and he just purrs and purrs. It's cute how much he loves Mike and I now, after only such a short time. He's not a dog... but he's really starting to grow on me.

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