Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

All good things...

posted on Monday, May 11, 2009 by

Although none of us have written anything for Caliblog in quite some time, I felt it was only fitting that something be added today. 5 years ago four friends left their lives in Michigan behind to chase their dreams and take some chances out in California.

Within a year we had already lost Chuck who was like a little brother to me. He decided that his life was meant to go in a different direction and left for Germany and eventually back to Michigan (and we won't even talk about the catastrophe that ensued immediately following his departure).

Eventually, Mike and Amanda no longer saw eye to eye on their relationship and decided to go their seprate ways. Amanda moved out and Mike and I were left on our own. By this time, Amanda had left Caliblog, I had a site of my own, and Mike had Projectpedal.com to contend with. Caliblog, as a site and a group has been on life support ever since. Mike did his best to keep things going, but the burden of his Pedal documentary has required more and more of his attention as time went on, eventually consuming all of his extra time. I would occasionally contribute an entry once in a great while, but nothing to brag about. And with that, Caliblog has been all but forgotten for over six months with no signs of that changing anytime soon.

Now, as I write these words, Mike has packed up everything he owns and is making his way back to Michigan for a "temporary" sabbatical to give himself time to finish editing his Pedal projects. Armed with only a laptop and a cellular phone, Mike is attempting to drive back across the country in a twenty year old station wagon that, to be honest, has seen better days (all the best with that). Hopefully, he'll be back and hopefully he will get everything out this trip back east that he's looking to. Only time will tell. I wish him nothing but the best.

What does that mean for Caliblog? I don't know, honestly. With Mike gone, that leaves me packing my things and trying to figure out my next move. I have no idea what I am going to do, but I'll figure it out. Amanda is still in California. I doubt that will ever change. It may be time for me to hang up my cap and call it a day, though, and go back to where I came from, as well.

Just a few hours ago we had a going away (but coming back) party for Mike at Canter's Deli down in Hollywood with some of his friends. Afterwards, Mike, Amanda and myself came back to the apartment that we started this journey at, watched Mike pack up the last of his belongings, and said our tearful goodbyes. Then we watched Mike drive off as he made his way back home.

Now I sit here all alone in an empty apartment with only the air conditioner distracting from the deafening silence and solitude that this place has become. What was once a four-person, 2 bedroom apartment is now an empty shell of a formerly familial place that we at Caliblog all called 'home'. By next week I will be leaving this place, as well. Putting my things in storage and figuring out my next move. The walls will be empty of the scripts and artwork that once decorated this apartment, the balcony will be bare, and the kitchen will actually be clean. I will turn off the lights, lock the door, drive away for the last time, and the home of Caliblog will be gone forever; a distant memory of a happier time when five years ago, four friends decided to put their lives in each other's hands and become a family, risking everything together. We shared that life with you all and you were there to listen, and for that I say thank you.

I don't know what tomorrow holds for Caliblog, if anything, but I do know that no matter what, from this day forward it will never be the same. I am so grateful for the experiences I've had with Caliblog and all of your kind words and support. Be hopeful for tomorrow and be thankful for yesterday. Thank you all for inviting us into your lives.

Until next time...