Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

26 years...

posted on Thursday, August 16, 2007 by

I saw the headline this morning "Army suicides highest in 26 years" from the AP on Yahoo News.

I feel a lot of things reading this article... obviously, I feel incredibly depressed for the families who have to deal with this kind of loss. I imagine the last weeks of the soldier's life... wonder what aspects of this war drove them over the edge. Was it being away from their families for multiple back-to-back tours? Was it the memory of witnessing a suicide bomber take the lives of women and children on a busy street? Did they take the life of an innocent person on accident? Did they feel guilt or stress for being part of an illegal occupation... of watching an entire country rot and collapse from the outside-in?

Here's a few clips for the story:
WASHINGTON - Army soldiers committed suicide last year at the highest rate in 26 years, and more than a quarter did so while serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a new military report.

The increases for 2006 came as Army officials worked to set up a number of new and stronger programs for providing mental health care to a force strained by the longer-than-expected war in Iraq and the global counterterrorism war entering its sixth year.
If had more time, I'm curious as to what the suicide rate is for Iraqis - I can't believe the mess we've made. And for what?

Things for Sale :)

posted on Wednesday, August 15, 2007 by

The full extent of financial damage is unfolding quite fast since we've been back in LA. Amanda's account, at the moment, is around $800 negative, my bank account is around $140 negative... both our credit cards are maxed out and late on minimum payments.

So, to help us get back to point where we can eat again: I've made an eBay account, and I'll begin putting equipment up for sale as soon as I can, but before I do that - I thought I'd go the way of person to person... or blog post to person... either way, I'll make a general list of what we have and we'll see where it goes from there.

Maybe some of you out there reading are looking for exactly what I'm getting rid of. Let's get to it:

Note: Click on the little to view pictures of the item :)

3 (Qty) TechPower Premium Battery (InfoLithium L) for Sony HVR-Z1U Camcorder - 280 min charge ($35.00 each)

Spiderbrace ($50.00)

Glidecam, Arm and Vest ($1,600.00)

Wind jammer K-Tek K-ZEPP-M Zeppelin (Medium) ($290.00)

Boom pole ($80.00)

An unopned box of 100 (Qty) Sony premium miniDV tapes ($250.00)

Sold: 3 military style fold out cots ($25.00 each)

3 (Qty) Self-inflating mattress ($20.00 each)

2 (Qty) Quantaray - 72mm Circular Polarizer Filter ($75.00 each)

Century Optics Pro Sony HDV wide angle lens / 0.6X Mk2 ($330.00)

Opteka wide angle & Macro lens / 0.45X AF 58 ($35.00)

Sony HDV HDR-HC1 camera ($650.00)

Side-note: The HDV-HC1 & and the Opteka wide angel/macro lens work together, if you'd like to buy both of them, I have the 37-58 step-up rings that you can just have...
I know that any of you could buy these items off a hundred different websites, hell, maybe even for cheaper if you looked long enough - but just know that your buying from us would mean a lot more then the money... you'd be helping us crawl our way out of debt and relieving a significant amount of stress.

And, as always, if you aren't interested in buying any of the above items, you can always donate through the site's ChipIn! widget - 100% of what you donate goes to our debts. Thanks!!

And if you’re new here, please subscribe for free and we'll feel slightly more loved.

last CNN post, I swear

posted on Thursday, August 02, 2007 by

I wanted to post these two videos with the actual interview - but it took me several days to find a connection strong enough to upload the full uncut interview phone-conversation with CNN.

Now, to be perfectly honest, the full uncut interview isn't something I would recommend watching: it's fairly long and awkward, due to poor cell phone reception. It's also super washed out because I adjusted the iris, sat down, and then, of course, the rain stop pouring and the sun came out behind us - completely washing us out and creating a blinding white light behind Larry and I.

Well, now that I've talked it up, here it is (you've been warned):

This second clip, however, is very short, and much less boring then the above one. This is the voice-mail that was left on my phone from CNN about their wanting to interview us for the project.

And if you’re new here, please subscribe for free... because it makes us feel loved.

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