Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

Prepare to be updated

posted on Saturday, March 17, 2007 by

[ Originally posted on 03/16 on Project Pedal ]
I have a feeling, as I sit down at my desk to write, that this post is going to end up a bit on the lengthy side. Which is entirely my fault, there has been *plenty* to update people on in the last few months, but for the wrong reasons I didn't want to add any post to the site. That wrong reason being: I didn't want to bump the most recent video-post off the main page - I know, I know, that's silly. So I've added the above yellow banner that many of you have probably noticed, which is going to help me get over my obsessives nature.

So let's get started:

Meeting with Matt. I'll start here because this meeting lead to much of the following news. The last week of February I had a quick lunch with Matt at Universal, the same Matt that this time last year was producing Pedal. On one hand he expressed how much he loved the project and the recent work I had been putting into it, on the other, he was concerned / confused / worried about the lack of attention it was getting - both real-world and online.

This has a lot to do with my long-time reluctancy to talk about things I'm "doing", as opposed to things I've done. It's hard to bring up to people that I'm working on a "project"... because in LA, *everyone* is working on something. I guess I just feel like every other "up & coming director" when and if I talk about Pedal to people... but on some levels I'm going to have to get over that uncomfortableness in order to have "this" work.

Which in many ways has to lead to the next five things.
If you want to read the rest you'll have to go go here :)

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