Now these friends, we're they gay? I mean that's not really important, at all. I mean I don't have anything against... I mean, you know? Are they?
I'm just kidding. I like that you have your "thing". I don't know how else to phrase it. When I see your drawings on a vlog they make me excited....not in a gay way. Eh forget it.
Congratz, I really liked this video when I first saw it and I know exactly why it won. You're just one talented guy. I agree with Clintus, your drawings and how you use them are awesome.
Love the drawings man. You should do comics. Like video comics, like flip books.
9:25 PM, March 08, 2007Very charming video. I love the inventiveness of this community. Just awesome.
10:02 PM, March 08, 2007Now these friends, we're they gay? I mean that's not really important, at all. I mean I don't have anything against... I mean, you know? Are they?
12:26 AM, March 09, 2007I'm just kidding. I like that you have your "thing". I don't know how else to phrase it. When I see your drawings on a vlog they make me excited....not in a gay way. Eh forget it.
This is killer! Way to go outside the norm, Mike. I knew when I met you that you were clearly a unique thinker. No I didn't.
4:06 AM, March 09, 2007Very amazing work. Kickbutt!
This is just lovely - One of my faves so far. Great work!
4:38 AM, March 09, 2007(btw - the quotes around these comments seem kinda weird....)
I love these kind of posts...and now I know what Internet TV is!!
7:01 AM, March 09, 2007Deb
This was perfect. I could really see this playing on the actual TV. Mike, you roolz.
8:53 AM, March 09, 2007(I agree with Chuck about the quotation marks being weird.)
Alright :) The quotes are outta' here...
10:30 AM, March 09, 2007And thanks everyone for the nice comments.
Excellent!!! You are a winner (in our book)... Very Fun to watch and to listen to.
5:31 PM, March 10, 2007Congratz, I really liked this video when I first saw it and I know exactly why it won. You're just one talented guy. I agree with Clintus, your drawings and how you use them are awesome.
3:21 PM, March 20, 2007CONGRATS on the big check!
4:25 PM, March 20, 2007Well done, sir.
congrats! clearly you deserve it...where's the 50 bucks you owe me?
9:12 PM, March 20, 2007Good job!
10:47 PM, March 20, 2007Congratulations on your win! Your calming voice goes so nicely with the drawings.
9:30 PM, April 04, 2007Cathie (John H gal)
Hey Cathie :)
10:17 PM, April 04, 2007Thanks! But I think John's voice is much cooler than mine.
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11:39 PM, February 02, 2009Post a Comment
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