Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

1215 - 2006

posted on Wednesday, October 11, 2006 by

Please, please, please watch this - and after you watch it, please leave a comment on how this makes you feel. Simply because your comments might make me feel not-so alone in thinking our country, government and constitution I was taught about during school is now nothing more than nostalgia.

I'm serious - please watch this and please tell me it scares you too... or tell me you don't care... just tell me that people out there are aware of this.

11 comments for 1215 - 2006

and Blogger Mike Ambs was all like...

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  1:56 PM, October 11, 2006
and Blogger Manda was all like...

this scares me. and reading what you wrote about the video after i watched it made me want to cry... just hearing how upset you are and how strongly you feel. it scares me to know that i could be arrested for any reason and held for any length of time and never told why. what ever happened to the right to a fair trial and innocent untill proven guilty? mr. bush, how is taking away americans individual rights protecting them?

the most scary part is that i don't believe that people out there are aware of this.. how can we change this? is there anything we can do?

  1:57 PM, October 11, 2006
and Blogger angela was all like...

umm...wow. I'm moving to Canada.

  1:46 AM, October 12, 2006
and Blogger Jeans Pants was all like...

Your going to get two comments from me, Just give me time to figure out what Im going to say

  11:26 AM, October 12, 2006
and Blogger Mike Ambs was all like...

I look forward to them :)

  12:18 PM, October 12, 2006
and Blogger Seth was all like...

I'm with "the girl". We need to spread this message. I'm sure the majority of Americans have no idea that they can be arrested and detained now all in the name of the "war on terror".

Thanks for paying attention Mike.

  12:39 PM, October 13, 2006
and Blogger Mike Ambs was all like...

Thanks for the comments - it helps :)

  2:12 PM, October 13, 2006
and Blogger Jeans Pants was all like...

I really wanted something witty to say but I can't think of a damn thing. All I can say is that I did do a video post on my blog about this asking people to visit this blog and check out this video. Bush is looking for a Civil War and Im the one to lead the coastal states. Me, not you. You can be like my sidekick or something. Tell me what you think of this sidekick name... "The Mike". Maybe J. Colbert will have something wittier to say

  4:26 PM, October 13, 2006
and Blogger Jeans Pants was all like...

I do in fact have something to say. I think we should do everything in our power to give this president everything he wants. He wants to arrest you and hold you without a trial, Fine. He wants to invade Iraq to take oil, fine. He wants to fly like superman, we need to make it happen. He wants to use 9/11 in a way that will forever allow those men in woman to have died in vain, then so be it. He wants to cheat in the elections, good for him.

He sets an example that we should one day teach our kids. That if we want something, then take it.

I heard G.W. wants to run for God in 2008. My thougths and prayers are with him.

~ J. Colbert

  5:57 PM, October 13, 2006
and Blogger Deborah was all like...

Sorry no comment, I wasn't completely focused on the video because Dylan was in the background talking and he's also has a gross diaper. Sorry!

  7:15 AM, October 16, 2006
and Anonymous Anonymous was all like...

Why do you hate America, Mike?

-Mark M

  7:35 PM, October 16, 2006

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