posted on Monday, September 25, 2006 by
Yesterday a very helpful person from wrote me to let me know that my feed was capturing the wrong movie files from caliblog's post, to explain: the image you are used to seeing that read "click here to play movie" was actually a single movie frame [not an image], and when clicked it would swap out the single frame movie with the larger one. It's a trick that works with most RSS readers but probably a sloppy set-up.
So, I'm taking the advice of FireAnt and trying something new, the movie embedded below is now linked to a 'gif image and not a separate movie file. Please let me know if you have any issues viewing the movie - it will help me decide what method I'll stick with.
The video isn't very exciting - while Amanda & I were flying back to L.A. from Michigan we saw a lightening storm out the plane window... no music, no editing, just lightening. Enjoy.
4 comments for trying something new
It's lightning!!! Lightning is always exciting.
11:41 AM, September 26, 2006That's not lighting. That's God's wrath preparing to attack your plane in hopes to take down his biggest threat. The Caliblog. But since your plane was too fast he instead attacked some unsuspecting liberals.
11:47 AM, September 26, 2006~Colbert
Worked great!
7:53 PM, September 26, 2006worked for me! but that was very boring.. surely you'll come up with something beter next time :)
2:48 PM, September 27, 2006Post a Comment
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