posted on Thursday, September 07, 2006 by
The percent of Americans that, still to this day, believe Saddam Hussein was personally involved in 9/11. Five years later and the best our news-media can do is 43%.
I suppose it could be worse - considering the recent Zogby poll revealing that 85% of US troops in Iraq still believe Saddam was involved with 9/11. That is simply tragic. What are we waiting for? When do we plan on telling them the truth? What reason is there to keep them in the dark?
I thought I would embed this clip of Bush during a press conference where, when asked what Iraq had to do with 9/11, he snaps back "nothing".
There's an artical on the Huffington Post by Cenk Uygur, from Young Turks, that is worth the quick read, here's a blurp:
Now that the myth that "everyone already knows" is punctured, what is the press going to do about it? My guess is absolutely zero. They will pretend that since they know and the people they hang out with know that everyone should know even if they never do a single cover story or TV broadcast on the issue. There is no excuse for this failure.
2 comments for 43%
"I uh uh, Let me say that Iraq was uh uh uh , we went into Iraq because , because let me say that the main reason we attacked we we went into Iraq was to free the uh uh uh , people say that we we we we we uh uh"
5:35 PM, September 07, 2006- George W. Bush
very nice, baby :)
2:04 AM, September 08, 2006Post a Comment
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