posted on Wednesday, March 01, 2006 by
I've been working on the website for 'mockworthy', but seeing as how it's not up yet, I'd thought I would post our first commentary here on caliblog and just get the ball rolling. See how people react to it.
Well, I guess I'm getting ahead of myself, first I should explain what mockworthy is - because I've never even mentioned it before. A few months ago, Justin suggested doing a mock commentary for a random shitty movie. This idea snowballed into a once-a-month project... Justin and I will sit down, with a shitty movie in front of us, and preferable we'll bring on guest-commentators for the following, and that's it, that's 'mockworthy'.
How it works is simple, when you hit play on the 'said' movie, you also hit play on the audio file we'll be pod-casting and taa-da, you can listen to us discuss and bash the film and others like it. I'm hoping people really get involved in the project - I'd like to post the titles of upcoming commentaries so that people could send in little audio-comments that we can play to really make things interesting and audience-involved.
Okay, sorry this post is so terrible, but I'm about to run out the door for work - so it's a bit rushed. Here is your audio file [MP3 / 01:34;54 / 54.3 MBs] for the terrible movie 'Friday the 13th' part one. Enjoy...
Update: MOCKWORTHY is up and running. Click here to listen to our first podcast in iTunes!
1 comments for mockworthy
Can't get this to work...
4:12 PM, March 03, 2006Post a Comment
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