Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

bad news

posted on Thursday, February 09, 2006 by

A few weeks ago I received an email from Andrew, the person who runs getmeonline.net, and the person who has done and helped so much with caliblog, project pedal, etc - the email said that at the end of this month he would no longer be providing hosting service due to pressures and commitments outside of getmeonline.

Which is sad, Andrew has been the best hosting-guy someone could ask for. He's always very quick with answering any questions, he's even offered to donate server space to 'Pedal' to help out... how likely do you think the chances of yahoo! doing that are?

On-top of my worries of not being able to find someone to fill the shoes of Andrew - is... I have no idea where to look, besides the obvious big-name hosting services.

I've been looking at getting a .mac account, they are cheap, only 99 bucks a year, now that Amanda has her ibook and I have this mac mini - we would benefit a lot from having one. But the downside is, .mac isn't ftp, which means I can't get it to work hand in hand with blogger. Instead of clicking 'upload picture' while typing a post, I would have to drop the picture in a .mac hard-drive on my desktop and then go into the post I was writing and type out the address of the picture... not that big of a deal I suppose. Especially when you consider the price.

And email addresses, but I think I can simply purchase an email address through my domain provider instead of through my hosting service.

Ah, all that is besides the point - the point of this post is: I'm sad to see Andrew go. Thanks for everything you've done for us, Andrew - we think you rock.

Also - does anyone out there have any suggestions of hosting service (or think that using a .mac is a bad/good idea)?

1 comments for bad news

and Blogger cjufnf was all like...

I've had www.larp.com host my sites for years. They've done a great job with it as well. You should go on over to the site (which is an RPG site, actually) and get in contact with the webmaster. He has been very helpful and always provided a great hosting service at very low prices. I mean way lower than what I would pay with one of the big guys to host my sites. Just a suggestion.

  12:28 PM, February 09, 2006

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