Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.


posted on Monday, September 26, 2005 by

we went to hollywood tonight to see 'Thumbsucker', at the laemmle sunset 5 (a theater that plays mostly independent films on sunset blvd). it was really good. i had the day off. got lots done. i crossed many things off my to do list, though most of them were very boring.

i babysit for nick tomorrow afternoon and then stella in the evening. last week i took nick for a walk by the school with the goats. it was fun. they are so cute.

on sunday i have 4 days off. mike and i are driving down to san diego for my birthday which is on wednesday (the 5th). we're gonna go to the zoo and stuff. and maybe TJ, too. my friend liz says i must go.

liz is beautiful. i don't really know what else to say about her. but it feels good to have a girlfriend again.

i bought tickets to go see my sister in miami. oct 8th- 11th. what sucks is that i'll have to work on friday until about 10:30 and my flight leaves at 1am so i'll basically have to leave from work and when i arrive in miami it will be 11am on saturday. anyway i'm really excited about seeing my sister.

i guess i should go to sleep. i want a ibook for my birthday.... and i want a digital camera... the laptop is dying now. goodbye.

1 comments for untitled

and Anonymous Anonymous was all like...

The one blog that has my name in it and i dont know what to say. Thank u soo much for being there for me its been really hard for me these past few months. Thank u for reminding me that im not a bad person and there are people out there that actually love me. love u!!

  10:43 AM, October 15, 2005

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