Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

parallel lines & keeping busy

posted on Thursday, April 21, 2005 by

To be perfectly honest, the reason it's been a few days since my last post is 20% laziness & 80% spite. Which, I know, it's a very flattering confession - I'm only human. See, I put in a good deal of thought to my last post, I wanted to get those thoughts off my chest, and I did, but I didn't want to do it in a way that toed any lines, and I believe I did that too [except for the Reagan-posterboy remark]. And, yes, I got three - very appreciated - comments. But, the 'spite' comes from knowing that I can 'cut & paste' a movie quote from imdb and get a whole truck load of comments/ interaction - or I can sit down and really try to write something thoughtful and listen to 'crickets chirping' for days on end. Anyways, these things happen, moving on:

Parallel Lines - thanks to Jeff for mentioning this film, I emailed Nina Davenpost, the director the other night in hopes of getting a copy of the film - as well as her first film, 'Hello Photo', now I've just got to scrounge up some extra cash. It looks very, very interesting though.

I guess above when I mentioned the 20% laziness thing - that wasn't all that accurate, I've actually been keeping fairly busy with proj: pedal, and on-top of that: tomorrow, saturday & sunday I'll be helping with a short film - and I'm going to be whipped; each day of shooting starts at 5'pm and runs until 5'am... and no, that's not a typo. And on-top of those two things, I've been working on a short film of my own, something to get me back behind the camera after all these past months of planning, planning, planning and then, a little more planning. And then, not so much "on-top", more "on-the-side" I'm helping a friend get ready for a music video he's been wanting to shoot. But I'm very excited about it - I think his idea holds a lot more possibility than he even gives himself credit for. More on all this later...

5 comments for parallel lines & keeping busy

and Anonymous Anonymous was all like...

I didn't comment, Mike, but I did link to the post from my site. Hopefully that brought you a few readers.


  5:40 AM, April 22, 2005
and Anonymous Anonymous was all like...


Couldn't post on your last blog because I couldn't get it to work and gave up!

Miss ya and love you and I'm so excited for you and your project pedal and everything else you have going right now.

Love, mom

  6:50 AM, April 22, 2005
and Blogger Mike Ambs was all like...

Aww... thanks you guys... Mark, you're the best - and Mom, I miss you too.

  1:39 PM, April 22, 2005
and Anonymous Anonymous was all like...

Congratulations on project pedal hope everything continues to go your way!

Aunt Bonnie

  4:09 PM, April 22, 2005
and Anonymous Anonymous was all like...

oops, forgot to mention LOVE the picture of you Mike!!!!
Aunt Bonnie

  4:10 PM, April 22, 2005

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