Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

Easter and other stuff.

posted on Wednesday, March 30, 2005 by

Hello everyone. I've been trying my best to keep my distance from this computer. I just hate sitting in front of it, then before I know it 4 hours have gone by, and I feel like I've wasted my day. I'm focusing on spending my free time doing more constructive things.

Lately, I haven't had much free time. I've started babysitting for Nick, who is my Uncle Thurmon's son. He was born January 9th and about 5 weeks later they called me up to see if I could come by for an hour or two and I've been going there, 2-3 times a week for 3-4 hours at a time, ever since. It's nice. I really enjoy it.... so much better than spending my time at IKEA. He's a pretty freakin' cute baby. He's a very jolly chubby lil' guy. He is very big for a 10 week old. He was born about 2 weeks late and weighed in at close to 10 lbs. He's now somewhere around 17 lbs, I think.

Wow. What a cutie.

So, whenever I’m not a work, I’m babysitting for Nick, which means I very rarely have a complete day off. I also got my bike a few weeks back (I know mike already wrote a post about it). We’ve been trying to get out and ride whenever we get a good chunk of free time. We’re shooting for 2-3 times a week.

Last Thursday we rode to Burbank and up the mountains to a nice hiking trail, that we like, right next to a golf course. Going up the last bit of hill was so tough. It really was a big shock. From looking at the hill it didn’t seem so bad but when we got going it was really tough. I was so out of breath and completely out of energy, I was pushing with everything I had I just didn’t seem to move. It was a really big let down. I felt like if I couldn’t do this stupid hill how was I going to get up the hills we'll come across on the trip that will, no doubt, be much harder. It was a major let down. I felt like I was letting Mike down and myself. It just felt like something I should’ve been able to do.

We did, eventually, make it to the top. Yesterday we went for another ride. We headed west into the valley, just trying to see how many miles we could get. The valley is a pretty hard place to ride, too much traffic. I got a bit banged up and so did mike’s bike chain. So we had to cut it short. We're going to have to get his chain fixed by this weekend. We both have the weekend off and we’re planning a 2-day trip. Hopefully to Malibu were there is a pretty cool campground right on the beach.

The first one's my hip the second is my elbow. Ouch!

Easter Sunday was a great day, for me, anyway. I think the boys had a pretty rough day at work, for some reason IKEA was incredibly busy. And to top that off, Billy’s car broke down just as they got home. But when they did get home, I had a great big dinner waiting for them. I spent the whole day cleaning and preparing a huge Easter dinner feast.

After I woke up and took a shower I got right to it. Dyed some eggs and made up some Easter baskets.

Then I deviled up the (free-range organic) eggs and started on my fruit and coolwhip jello desserts. It was pretty fun. I had the iTunes on shuffle and I was wearing Billy’s apron dancing around the apartment. As soon as Mike walked in the door he started snapping pictures of me. And the food was great! After we stuffed ourselves with organic free-range fried chicken and organic mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, biscuits, and corn, we all squeezed onto the couch and watched Toy Story 2. All in all it was a pretty good day.

8 comments for Easter and other stuff.

and Blogger Lexi V was all like...

That's so cute! I wish I could cook, good job :)

  3:41 PM, March 30, 2005
and Anonymous Anonymous was all like...

Great hearing from you. Hope you are ready for the big bike trip.

Take care,
Aunt Bonnie

  5:11 PM, March 30, 2005
and Anonymous Anonymous was all like...

I am glad that you all had a good Easter. Sorry to hear that Mike and Billy had to work though.


  11:16 AM, March 31, 2005
and Anonymous Anonymous was all like...

i wish i did something for easter...i was down i flordia with my best friends so what more could i ask for lol...next stop california...miss all of you

  3:03 PM, April 02, 2005
and Anonymous Anonymous was all like...

Happy Belated Easter.

Next stop California, Mandy you are too funny!!

  2:12 AM, April 05, 2005
and Anonymous Anonymous was all like...

Matching oven mits.... I always wanted matching oven mits.

As for the accident, I'm sorry to hear about it, but I was pleased to learn that it wasn't what I though... Judging from the first photo, I thought that you were bitten by a giant snake.


  6:58 AM, April 05, 2005
and Blogger Mike Ambs was all like...

Not only are those matching pink oven mits that say 'princess' on them - but they are billy's.

  2:19 PM, April 05, 2005
and Blogger Manda was all like...

actually... chuck bought them.

  12:52 AM, April 06, 2005

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