Well how is everybody in cyberspace doing? I know it's been, like, a month since my last real post. I make no excuses...
So let's see...since I last posted what has happened? Did I mention I saw Thomas Jane and Rebecca Romijn (Stamos) at 'The Punisher' premiere? I don't remember. Since then, I've just been working a lot. I actually have taken a job with IKEA, so when my two weeks are up at the end of this week, it's 'bye-bye Target', at least for now. Right now I'm trying to work both jobs, but this week I may lay off. I needed the extra money. A new 'Marx Bros.' box set came out this week and a Universal monsters one came out last week. I've got to have my movies.
To tell the truth, there really hasn't been much to write about. I'm fairly insocial and haven't been out and about too much. I finally got my drawing table dug out, so I will start working on some things, and I WILL be posting regularly again. You can count on that. Give me a couple more weeks, though. Once I'm actually more settled in on my new job, it will time to get out there and see what I can get into. Maybe see what it takes to get into pimping. That seems like an easy way to make a little extra cash.
Like I said before, not much has happened. That's basically why I haven't posted. Heck, I almost fell asleep writing this one, myself. Take it easy for now and I'll be back.
---Oh, by the way, if you get time check out the new Spider-Man 2 Trailer It's pretty sweet.
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