posted on Saturday, August 26, 2006 by
As I was getting ready for work today - I heard a loud "crunch" outside our bedroom window [where the alley-way to our parking spots runs], unfortunately the way the second story of our building is shaped, I wasn't able to see if two cars had just hit each other or if someone had just bumped a pole.
Turns out what happened was a new woman moving into an apartment next-door to us, smashed a dresser in the flatbed of her truck on the water-pipes that hang down from the parking-spot's ceiling. Which is about two feet from a dumpster, so she said her goodbyes to the smashed dresser and tossed the broken pieces into the trash.
This is where our crazy... intoxicated... dickhead of a neighbor comes into the story. This neighbor is from the apartment complex across from our building, luckily we don't share the same building or I'd freak out from all the bullshit he would pull on a regular basis.
He comes down stairs, in his saggy underwear, a wife-beater and, of course, socks & sandals, and starts freaking out in something besides comprehendible-English at this woman who is literally five minutes into moving-in. He digs through the dumpster, because it's "his" dumpster and not the dumpster that is located further away towards our building... something she probably didn't think about since she was, again, new. First he tossed the two broken dresser pieces in the middle of the alley-way, completely blocking anyone who would want to come in or out of the apartments. Then he just keeps going, he pulls out a mirror and shatters it on the cement, some bags of trash, some dirty air-filters, on & on, until the dumpster is empty.
The entire time shouting to himself about something that I'm sure only makes sense to other people who are piss-drunk at 3 in the afternoon.
So - this is not too surprising behavior from this guy, he's a pretty consistent asshole to everyone and anyone. I called the cops but they never did come - I would have loved for that fat drunken bastard to spend a few hours in jail sobering up.
Then after all this child-like throwing is done, the girl and her boyfriend clean it up and get back to moving in... this jerk goes inside to put on pants and then comes back out to stand several feet away from their moving truck and just stare. Not moving. Just watching them unload like a hawk. Just thinking about him makes me... want to... smash a keyboard covered in dog-feces across his face.
5 comments for Our Crazy Asshole Neighbor at it Again...
This person was a big mistake. I grant you permission to do away with him
8:03 AM, August 27, 2006~ Love Jesus
12:40 PM, August 27, 2006Grade A Asshat.
8:01 AM, August 30, 2006omg, that is the most funny thing i ever saw, those pic's are great. I don't think he would think so, but I cracked up. It's like something you'd see on TV, bad TV.
6:57 PM, August 31, 2006But, hey, it keeps life in the neighborhood interesting, you could possibly get bored otherwise.
Post more on life around you, too funny.
Aunt Bonnie
hey is this guy available?
12:55 PM, September 02, 2006hes pretty hot...
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