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an open letter to 'the rooster'

posted on Wednesday, August 09, 2006 by

My political-interest stem from a relationship with my Uncle Brian, in the summer of 2003 I worked with Brian under his Jackson landscaping business. We spent a lot of long lunches at Freddy's Freeze off US 12 discussing any number of political topics, I was very wet behind the ears and reluctant, at first, because I didn't follow politics. Brian argued that politics is just how you feel, which I strongly agree with. But there's a big difference in how a person feels when their going off knee-jerk emotions as opposed to educated-opinion.

I bring all this up because something very rare happened the other day, Brian left a comment on a political-post I'd written. It's rare because Brian makes an effort to avoid politics these days, something I strongly disagree with - consciously or unconsciously not participating in politics is undemocratic and laziness in a person's responsibility to be an active member of society.

But I didn't want to simply respond in a comment to Brian's thoughts - I thought it was a special and rare enough occasion that it warranted an entire post. My response will be on this part in particular:
...Also, as far as unions helping this country???? ha! this is why cars cost 40,000. because a guy pushing a broom makes 25.00 per hour at one of the big three car makers but at kmart the guy pushing the broom makes 6.00 per hour. unions reward time in job not performance. its great if you have worked somewhere for 20 years but that doesn't mean you are the best person for the job. but in a union, thats the way its done.

Perhaps in my younger [political] days I would have been begrudgingly persuaded into this mindset - but those conversations in-front of Freddy's Freeze are long behind me and I've spend a considerable amount of time learning of Unions [including Guilds] and their history in this country and outside of it. And I have two simple to points to make:

1) The cost of cars, or anything for that matter, is in no way directly effected or influenced by labor unions. Price is determined by supply and demand in the marketplace. What labor unions fight for is a livable-wage in reference to profits their company earns from their work.

2) Unions must also remain where they already exist and become organized in other areas because they provide the last foothold for democracy in the workplace - without unions or people's ability to have influence you have laissez faire Capitalism... which leads to things like the Great Depression in it's inevitable dismantling of the middle class.

And as Jefferson said, "That liberty [is pure] which is to go to all, and not to the few or the rich alone."

Anyways - thanks Brian for leaving a comment - I hope I responded in a clear way and also thanks for sparking my political interest... I had been walking around with my head in the sand for far too long.

4 comments for an open letter to 'the rooster'

and Anonymous Anonymous was all like...

Thanks for sticking up for Union workers. I agree with the two points that you made and I also feel that the country would be in a lot worse shape had the unions not been established for the working class.

  5:45 PM, August 09, 2006
and Anonymous Anonymous was all like...

oh boy, here we go, the political debates are on. Mike, it's very funny, but maybe you ruffled the roosters feathers? but maybe not.
have fun with this.
aunt bonnie

ps: i still think unions cause alot of problems that's why alot of "car" factories are leaving and heading to mexico, but what do i know.

  7:13 PM, August 09, 2006
and Blogger Mike Ambs was all like...

Hey Dad, no problem - it was an easy thing to do :)

Bonnie - you bring up an excellent point, many companies are packing up and moving south of the border or over seas. But Unions are far from the root cause, this country has basically stopped enforcing tariffs - in doing so... well, maybe that topic is a whole different post.

And Brian :) Of course I didn't mean for my lazy comment to be directed at you - sorry, after re-reading it, it does sound suggestive. I don't feel that way about you.

I also don't mean to suggest that Unions aren't capable of corruption - they are no different than... cops, politicians, businessmen, etc. But corruptibility isn't the argument here.

Historically speaking, no matter how far you dig back - it is undeniable that restricting or diluting people's right to work together and voice opinions and have influence is a bad, bad idea. Whether in public, in private, or the work place. It's a step in the wrong dirrection. Period.

  3:23 PM, August 10, 2006
and Blogger Deborah was all like...

Union's can be a problem even at my job, our cena's are union and will start voicing their opinions when they are given too many patients...but what are we suppose to do leave those patient's to care for themselves because "one more" will put them past their limit? We work in the health field because we care, don't we? One more shouldn't matter, what should matter is caring for that patient to the best of our abilities. And then maybe the next night we will have extra help...union's are ok to a point but they do cause some headaches.

  6:28 PM, August 11, 2006

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