Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

this always happens when we buy groceries

posted on Sunday, July 09, 2006 by

For the first time in two weeks the fridge is overflowing with food and drinks - most importantly: the drinks. All I've been guzzling lately is water, bottle after bottle, after glass, after jug, after glass... water, water, water. And now, there's a plethora of milk, Gatorade, pink lemonade, etc, and of course, water.

Since our wall mounted air-conditioner in the living room only cools a 4 foot bubble by the sliding glass door, the bedroom is baking hot, because of this I got the sudden urge to down a Gatoraid. And not just sip it to cool off, I was intending to guzzle that ice-cold sports drink until it brought on a brain-freeze, maybe splash it all over my face in slow-mo' like they do in the commercials.

I open the fridge, there's a few options to choose from, there's the orange-flavor I started working on yesterday, but there's also a red buried behind a pop-can and a bottle of water, I reach for the red. Failing to notice that the lid had already been opened, I lean back on the counter by the sink, and dive in.

I let the Gatoraid fill my mouth before I bother to take one big gulp, that's when I realize that this particular bottle of Gatoraid taste like shit... my tongue feels like I just dipped it in couch-syrup.

It took me a minute to piece together the mystery (after washing out my mouth in the sink) that I had just drank someone else's Gatoraid mixed with Rum... a lot of it. And seeing as how I've never really drank anything in my life... it wasn't what I was expecting. Not quite the cold, fresh, cooling sports drink I was gearing myself up for.

Oh God, I just burped rum... ugh.

3 comments for this always happens when we buy groceries

and Blogger Manda was all like...

hey, you left out the part where you ran into the bedroom with the bottle and asked if was trying to poison you. :) heheehe. you're so funny. - btw, readers, he had no idea what was in it. just that it wasn't right, AT ALL.

and NO, it wasn't mine... i am not the alcoholic you all think i am. i actually haven't had a drink in over a month. it was billy's.

  2:54 PM, July 09, 2006
and Blogger Jeans Pants was all like...

"But why is the Rum Gone???"

  12:37 AM, July 10, 2006
and Blogger Deborah was all like...

Gross...rum always tasted like cough medicine to me.

  5:39 AM, July 10, 2006

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