Hey you, this is caliblog, all of this is based on a true story... all of this is our lives my life in a nutshell.

my two cents

posted on Saturday, July 01, 2006 by

Last Thursday I tagged a long with a few friends to see the new film 'Superman Returns', leading up to it's release - I was "ehh" about seeing it, which just means: like most major-movies (Superman Returns, Pirates, etc) coming out soon, I'm sure I'll probably see them, but I wouldn't freak out if I just never got around to it for no-good-reason.

Not that I'm assuming they are going to bad movies - it's just something about seeing them plastered everywhere I look seems to take the fun out of it. Yes, I know that's strange.

But, where was I? I had actually started getting excited about seeing 'Superman' the night before - I think I was just in anticipation of seeing a big-budget movie that might not suck (mostly due to it's talented director). As far as the movie and it's star - I didn't really recall having any feelings towards Superman when I was younger, I've seen most of the original four, but I was, as far as I remember, always much more into 'Thundercats'.

Anyways, I watched the movie, I enjoyed it - a day went by and I realized that I really, really enjoyed it. The movie seemed to bring out an inner-child in me and it was just an exciting experience at the movies. I guess Superman had more of an impact on me as a child than I let on, during half the scenes I just wanted to yell out "Go Superman!", as dorky as that sounds. That's it, that's my review.

2 comments for my two cents

and Blogger Jeans Pants was all like...

Nice review. Don't forget, Pirates has a talented director too, and a talented cast. Bill Nighy is a method actor. he somehow used his real tentacles to play the organ in the movie.

~The Justin

  2:34 AM, July 02, 2006
and Blogger Deborah was all like...

You guys loved superman back when...Nick even dressed up for Halloween as superman, I have pictures.

  4:23 AM, July 03, 2006

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