posted on Monday, June 19, 2006 by
While we were shooting the Pedal pilot, Amanda and I went to the Panda Express, in Davis, with Aaron, the on-sight producer, the three of us were standing in line when Aaron started to say something along the lines of not liking the word "organic".
At first I had to hold back - but while he went on, I started to see his point. His argument wasn't that he preferred non-organic food over organic, it was that there should be a better word used to label the differences. I think he's onto something...
The word 'Organic' requires too much explaining - the reasons it is unique aren't punch-you-in-the-face obvious.
I propose we specify with each different food, for example: instead of organic-beef, we just put a bit label on it that reads "Shit Free Beef". You could have all kinds of labels for cows and dairy, why is it so taboo to mention the FDA approved levels of blood & puss in milk? Put a big label on the milk jug that reads "No Blood & Puss".
Some things aren't as easy to label - there really isn't a short quip about the genetically modified seeds and foods that are apparently, according to the food corporations, too unique to go un-patented, but normal enough to not be tested or looked at by the FDA. That might not seem very scary at first glance, but when you start learning that the genes altered in foods, like tomatoes, are done so via viruses... then you start loosing your appetite.
From my perspective, if someone is standing in the freezer section of the grocery story, and they two different meats in-front of them, one that reads: "Shit Free" and another that avoids the topic... which do you think they'll reach for?
Anyone else have any other suggestions for specific food labels?
6 comments for you say "organic", I say "shit free"
amen, brother!
1:27 PM, June 20, 2006also - to help our readers better understand - the FDA approved levels of blood & puss in milk mike is refering to come in all US dairy products that are not labeled organic or RBST free.
1:41 PM, June 20, 2006*note- the US is the ONLY country that has not banned the use of RBST (growth-hormone) on dairy cows
this is the milk children are served in our public schools - just say no to UTTER PUSS!!!
if anyone out there is interested in finding out more about the food you are using to nurish your body, i urge you to read the book 'fast food nation' and watch the movie 'the future of food'.
1:45 PM, June 20, 2006*the movies 'super-size me' and 'the corporation' also have some interesting stuff about food in them
Er, hey there. I feel kind of weird posting a comment because the last exchange we had was about a negative post I made about you on my blog, but bygones are bygones, right?
2:04 PM, June 20, 2006Anyway, this has nothing to do with your post. We both ready Whimsy Chick's blog and you commented recently that you were thinking of leaving Blogger because it didn't have categories. I just jumped ship to WordPress, myself, and when I told a friend about it, she said that there was a way to have categories with Blogger. Somehow, someone came up with a way to do it, so I thought I would pass it along to you. Go to and check it out. Like I said, I'm done with Blogger, but it could be useful to you.
Good luck with the movie.
Ok my babies, here's my thoughts. Putting "Shit Free" and "Puss Free" on the item that is organic is still a negative aesthetic for the cutomer to read. They may actually prefer the puss and shit filled ones because the label is positive.
4:38 PM, June 20, 2006This is what we need to do. Yeah I said we, we're in this together. First start a group on my space. Than, since the companies won't do it on there own, we come up with labels that match those of the milk, meat, whatever packaging. On the labels it will be identical except it will say 15% added extra shit and 40% more puss. We'll get people to go around America and put these stickers on the products.
Maybe it doesn't have to be an identical tag. Some tags just say 40% more whatever. We can do that.
Let's Bring It On!!!
(this may be a new post for me)
Holy cow. I should write about food more often... I guess people have something to say about it :)
1:12 PM, June 21, 2006Justin, I think we should get started on this label-idea pronto!
Thanks, Oz for the link - I'm gonna' check that out.
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