posted on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 by
I've talked about this here recently - and I made the prediction that... well, if you're interested, you can click here to read the original post - but today I stumbled onto an article talking about these same oil executives facing questions from the Senate about their "big profits". And by "big profits" they mean $750,000 a second, which I don't think "big" is the right word to use, but that's just me. Maybe "criminal" is more fitting?
Anyway, here is the first give-away that this is all coming down... well, the second give-away I suppose, the first being the money. Thanks to the insistence of a handful of republicans the oil-exec's were not required to talk about their profits under oath. Well, don't take my word for it - read a book - "reading rainbow"... I mean, play this audio clip of Senator Ted Stevens laying the first of many bricks in this investigation's stonewalling.
1 comments for $45 million an hour - part two
car sledding in michigan soon!!!!!!!!! love yaz lil sis PuNk Mandy
9:33 AM, November 16, 2005Post a Comment
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