posted on Saturday, October 15, 2005 by
About two years ago, Amanda and I watched an amazing documentary at the 'Michigan' theatre in Ann Arbor called 'The Corporation'. A small section of the film discussed the likliness that after scientist finish mapping all of our human genes - that corporations and firms will begin to patent them individually.
Well, this morning I saw an artical on National Geographic's site stating that already - since I belive they just within the last year finished mapping all the human genes - firms and universities have patented over 20 percent, or over 4,000 of the 24,000 genes - of that 20 percent, 63 percent are assigned to private firms.
1 comments for stranger than fiction
yeah, yeah, yeah, but what about the picture of the drunk chick passed out in the bathroom?
11:32 AM, October 16, 2005Post a Comment
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