posted on Thursday, February 03, 2005 by
Originally posted at Project Pedal...
The first batch of proj:pedal stickers should be here by the middle of next week... the design, as you can see below, is really simple - I just wanted something I could get out there - I only bought 125 of them, which won't spread far considering all the local bike-shops in and around North Hollywood alone, but it will get the ball rolling. I'll also be mailing a handful out to a reader in Detroit, if anyone else is interested in getting stickers, please feel free to email me.
For the next batch of stickers I get printed up, I'd like a new design, something that looks like it took longer than five minutes to design. But rather than do all the work myself, I was hoping to hold a contest, having the readers get involved and send in their designs or ideas. The rules:
* It must have the website address somewhere on the sticker,
* It must be black & white,
* Your design must fit one of these dimension options [except for the 12" x 3"].
There's no limit to the number of designs one person can submit. Feel free to include a "designed by..." on your sticker idea. The deadline for submissions is the 17th of this month, giving you 15 days to come up with the greatest sticker idea the world has ever seen. I haven't decided what the prize will be yet, but I'll do my best to make it worth your while [actually, if anyone has any ideas on what the 'prize' should be, send those in too].
One more quick thing before I go: check out the "get involved" drop-menu to the left, you'll notice two things have been added under a "how to help your friendly neighborhood indie-filmmaker" caption, these are great and inexpensive ways to show your support for proj:pedal.
Besides that, goodluck, everyone!
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