posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 by
Something has happened, the world has tipped on it's side. Did anyone else feel it?
I've come to expect a certain level of "look-at-this-hand" news, and "pass-the-buck" tactics from our government, and if I were a betting man, I wouldn't think once about investing in the odds of our government being brutally honest. So when I read about a pre-taped interview with Bush, admitting, "I don't think you can win it" [the war on terror], I didn't know how to wrap my head around it. What has happened, I thought. How did this get out?
Not only was our government honest, but Bush was honest... brutally honest. Of course this was a fluke, the administration has waisted no time in putting their puppet back in-front of the news camera spouting a new but familiar "unwavering-warrior-like" message. But I think a lesson has been learned here, the gears are spinning in Bush's head.
Sadly enough, this honesty might cost Bush some votes, so I should be happy, right? But something about this actually makes me sad. I guess a part of me wants Bush to lose votes in response to his many lies, not for telling the truth. But I know better, generally speaking, "we can't handle the truth".
I wonder if Bush has been doing some reading? Maybe some researching on the internet about his daddy's [and Reagan's] "War on drugs". Well, I guess that was Nixon's originally, but either way. Then there's the "War on poverty". These "Wars on [fill in with something incredibly general]" are just too open to failure. It's like announcing a "War on bad stuff". Where do you start? Were do you claim victory? How long before the people grow tired of reading about it in the papers? How long before people get tired of paying taxes, and losing lives on a cause that has no immediate solution?
The catch 22: The problem that stemmed from 9/11 was we couldn't fight it. Why? Because in order to fight it, we would have had to go into Saudi Arabia, and look for Osama, but they don't want us dumping our troops in their backyard, so they would have cut off oil imports to our shores, but that would mean we would have to wage a war without oil, and we don't know how to do that yet. Not to mention the Carlyle's dependency on the Saudi's oil, Bush would be emptying his family's bank accounts by swinging back. So what's a billionaire to do?
A lot of democrats are going cut-throat on Bush for his slip, but I think he should be applauded. Don't hold it in, Bush! Let it out, say what you've learned... tell us what you know! It's not too late to start over on the right foot, I still believe this country can re-rail itself. And personally I don't care who [or what side of the political pole] starts the ball rolling [the "ball", representing truth of course].
Had I been there, at that moment when those words, "I don't think you can win it", came out of his mouth, I would have patted him on the back, and asked him "how did it feel to get that off your chest"?
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